June Meeting Minutes
June Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 5:58 pm on June 7, 2012.
In attendance were Anne, Vaughn, Linda, Karen R., Maggie, Dana, Joan, Nancy, Jessica and Joey.
One addition came to the agenda brought by Linda; another was brought by Karen R.
Approval of Agenda came with a vote of approval by Dana Osterlund at 5:58 pm PST
Approval of April Minutes came with a vote of approval by Vaughn Smith at 5:58 pm PST
Treasurer’s report was given by Dana Osterlund at 6:01 pm PST. As of now, we have $485.00 in the CNAG account.
Committee Reports:
1. Anne Ellis gave her report on the Hazel Fischer Coat Program.
a. Anne/Maggie will work on hats while others can work on scarves/mittens or hats.
2. No report was given for Give-A-Stitch
3. Helping Hands/Kids Program:
a. No report was given as Karen V. and Toni were not in attendance.
New Business:
- As of last meeting, Dana and Joey were to look up tutorial classes for the CNAG group as part of the charter of TKGA/TCGA. No search was conducted. Dana was going to look into it as she was a charter member. As of last night, Joey will work with Dana to get the tutorial search going.
- The Karen Preston Retreat is still being planned. Due to complications, Susanne cannot host the retreat this year. Guild members are looking into yarn shops in different parts of California. Half Moon Bay, Auburn, Rocklin were strong possibilities of going to. Staying local was also discussed. Quilters in Murphys, CA go to a retreat just above Columbia College. The idea of cottages being rented out for our retreat was discussed. Vaughn will contact Quilters and Dana will contact cottages.
- Karen R. discussed the Gavin Brummund Memorial fund as part of the Fischer (?) house. The American Flag she knitted was sold at the Auction for $150. Pictures to follow on the Projects page of the Website.
- With summer being a laid back kind of season, Linda discussed the possibility of postponing our business meetings for the next few months. Everyone was ok with that. So until further notice the business meetings are postponed.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:37 pm PST