May 10, 2012 Meeting Minutes
May Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 5:52 pm on May 10, 2012.
In attendance were Anne, Vaughn, Linda, Emily, Karen R., Maggie, Dana, Christine, Diane and Joey.
No additions were made to the agenda.
Approval of Agenda came with a vote of approval by Dana Osterlund at 6:24 pm PST
Approval of April Minutes came with a vote of approval by Dana Osterlund at 6:25 pm PST
No Treasurer’s report was given this night.
Committee Reports:
1. Anne Ellis gave her report on the Give-A-Stitch.
a. Clarified with Karen V. that the Moose Lodge with donate money to the guild to buy jackets for kids in need. Guild will then make hats, scarves, mittens or any combination of the 3 to go with the jacket to that child.
2. Helping Hands/Kids Program:
a) Christine Greenberg gave a report on the program.
b) Program starts on Wednesday mornings and are held in the Library. Group is mostly boys. There are 11 kids in the morning group. Kids are learning the loom at first and moving onto knitting and crocheting after gaining the confidence of the loom.
c) As with the coming of spring and school ending, kids are finishing projects and turning in the looms, needles and hooks etc.
New Business:
- Meeting Structure
- Discussion was open for voting on whether to keep guild as a guild or disband.
i. Vote was taken and Guild remains intact.
- TKGA/TCGA was also open for discussion on the instruction of classes offered by the organization.
- Joey and Dana looking into the classes offered by the TKGA/TCGA
Next Meeting is on 7 June 2012
Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm PST