April and May Minutes
May 3, 2013gomenasai for the long, long UN-UPDATED website.
April 4, 2013 Calaveras Needle Arts Guild Minutes
Meeting came to order at 6:21 pm
In attendance was Linda, Karen R., Emily, Maggie, Vaughn, Joan, Nancy, Dana and Joey.
There were no additions to the agenda.
Approval of the Agenda came at 6:22 pm
No minutes were done. L
We have $608.81 in our Account
Nothing to mention for Give-A-Stitch
No updates for the October Retreat.
And nothing new for the Block of the Month.
Next meeting is May 2, 2013.
Meeting adjourned at 6:29 pm
May Minutes
Call to order came at 6:12 pm
Attendance was Linda, Vaughn, Karen R., Maggie, Diane, Nancy, Joan, Anne, Christine and Joey.
No additions to the Agenda
Approval of the Agenda came at 6:13pm
We have $618.81 in our CNAG account
Nothing new for Retreat, and Block of the Month
Give A Stitch is good. We are waiting till the new board comes for the Lions Club. Anne asked if buying jackets can be dispersed between the members. Joey said yes. We will be asking Women of the Moose and Rotary. Joey said he can ask the FFA Boosters/Mr Beck at Bret Harte of they can donate.
No other business.
Adjournment came at 6:17 pm
Next meeting is June 6, 2013.
Posted by Joey Steiner.